ROC2025 - International
Workshop on ROC Analysis

and related topics

Vigo, January 23 and 24, 2025

Supported by: Grant PID2020-118101GB-I00, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCIN/ AEI /10.13039/501100011033)
SiDOR research group and the Department of Statistics and Operations Research of the Universidade de Vigo organise the Workshop on ROC Analysis and Related Topics, to be held in Vigo on January 23 and 24, 2025. International experts will meet in Vigo to share their knowledge and present their current contributions and lines of research, including estimation and inferential methods for ROC curves, covariate modelling in the ROC context, evaluation of markers, assessment of classification procedures, selection of cut-off points, etc.

Everybody is welcome to attend! Attendance is free of charge, but registration is required.

Organized by: SiDOR Research Group and Department of Statistics and OR, Universidade de Vigo

Where: Auditorium of the Escola de Enxeñería Industrial - Sede Cidade, Vigo (Address: Rúa Torrecedeira 86, 36208 Vigo, Spain) [map]


Picture ROC2025

Invited speakers

Leonidas Bantis - University of Kansas Medical Center, USA
"Biomarker cutoff estimation and inferences around the associated true and false class rates for the three-class problem. A misclassification cost-based framework"

Ana M. Bianco - Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
"Addressing robust estimation in covariate–specific ROC curves with functional covariates"

Paul Blanche - University of Copenhagen, Denmark
"Estimating and comparing time-dependent areas under receiver operating characteristic curves for censored event times with competing risks"

Graciela Boente - Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
"ROC curve analysis for functional biomarkers"

Arís Fanjul-Hevia - Universidad de Oviedo, Spain
"Comparing binary classification methods using covariate information"

Alba M. Franco-Pereira - Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
"A novel overlap-based framework for assessing classifiers of three diagnostic groups"

Leire Garmendia - Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, Spain
"A new AUC(t) estimator and its statistical properties for competing risks models"

Amaia Iparragirre - UPV/EHU - University of the Basque Country, Spain
"Dealing with the estimation of the ROC curve and the area under the curve in the presence of complex sampling design data"

Óscar Lado-Baleato - Health Research Institute of Santiago de Compostela (IDIS), Spain
"Optimal cut-point estimation for functional digital biomarkers: Application to continuous glucose monitoring"

Mónica López-Ratón - Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
" A parametric inference approach for the length of the ROC curve"

Pablo Martínez-Camblor - Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, USA
"The gROC curve and the optimal classification"

Susana Martins - Universidade de Vigo, Spain
"AUC optimism correction with missing data"

Bart J.A. Mertens - Leiden University Medical Centre, The Netherlands
"Prediction in the presence of missing values: no credible alternative to imputation-based use of the predictive density"

Christos T. Nakas - University of Thessaly at Volos, Greece, and Inselspital Bern/University of Bern, Switzerland
"Use of the R packages rocbc and trinROC for inference after the Box-Cox transformation in the ROC framework (and an outlook for future research)"

María del Carmen Pardo - Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
"Relationship between two-sample test statistics and ROC summary measures"

Juan Carlos Pardo-Fernández - Universidade de Vigo, Spain
"The conditional C-index for survival data with a cure fraction"

Sonia Pérez-Fernández - Universidad de Oviedo, Spain
"R software for ROC analysis"

Ainesh Sewak - University of Zurich, Switzerland
"Construction and evaluation of optimal diagnostic tests"

Abstract submission

A limited number of contributed presentations will be allowed. PhD students and early-stage researchers are particularly welcome. The deadline for abstract submission is December 15, 2024. Send your abstract to before the deadline!

LaTeX template


The participation in the workshop is free of charge and open to any national and international participants. However, registration is compulsory for organizational reasons. If you intend to come to the workshop, please send an e-mail to before January 10, 2025.


Programme and Book of Abstracts in pdf [download here]

Thursday - January 23, 2025

9:15 - 9:30 | Welcome

09:30 – 11:30 | Session I: Inferential topics in ROC analysis

09:30 | Comparing binary classification methods using covariate information
Arís Fanjul-Hevia - Universidad de Oviedo, Spain

10:10 | Relationship between two-sample test statistics and ROC summary measures
María del Carmen Pardo - Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain

10:50 | Use of the R packages rocbc and trinROC for inference after the Box-Cox transformation in the ROC framework (and an outlook for future research)
Christos T. Nakas - University of Thessaly at Volos, Greece, and Inselspital Bern / University of Bern, Switzerland

11:30–12:00 | Coffee break

12:00–14:00 | Session II: Optimal tests and R packages

12:00 | Construction and evaluation of optimal diagnostic tests
Ainesh Sewak - University of Zurich, Switzerland

12:40 | The gROC curve and the optimal classification
Pablo Martínez-Camblor - Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, USA

13:20 | R software for ROC analysis
Sonia Pérez-Fernández - Universidad de Oviedo, Spain

14:00–15:00 | Lunch

15:00–17:00 | Session III: Survival data and time-dependent ROC curves

15:00 | The conditional C-index for survival data with a cure fraction
Juan Carlos Pardo-Fernández - Universidade de Vigo, Spain

15:40 | Estimating and comparing time-dependent areas under receiver operating characteristic curves for censored event times with competing risks
Paul Blanche - University of Copenhagen, Denmark

16:20 | A new AUC(t) estimator and its statistical properties for competing risks models
Leire Garmendia - Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, Spain

Friday - January 24, 2025

09:30–11:30 | Session IV: Length of the ROC curve and three-class problems

09:30 | A parametric inference approach for the length of the ROC curve
Mónica López-Ratón - Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain

10:10 | A novel overlap-based framework for assessing classifiers of three diagnostic groups
Alba M. Franco-Pereira - Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain

10:50 | Biomarker cutoff estimation and inferences around the associated true and false class rates for the three-class problem. A misclassification cost-based framework
Leonidas Bantis - University of Kansas Medical Center, USA

11:30–12:00 | Coffee break

12:00–14:00 | Session V: Complex sampling schemes and missing data

12:00 | Dealing with the estimation of the ROC curve and the area under the curve in the presence of complex sampling design data
Amaia Iparragirre - UPV/EHU University of the Basque Country, Spain

12:40 | AUC optimism correction with missing data
Susana Martins - Universidade de Vigo, Spain

13:20 | Prediction in the presence of missing values: no credible alternative to imputation- based use of the predictive density
Bart J. A. Mertens - Leiden University Medical Centre, The Netherlands

14:00–15:00 | Lunch

15:00–17:00 | Session VI: ROC curves with functional data

15:00 | Addressing robust estimation in covariate-specific ROC curves with functional covariates
Ana M. Bianco - Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

15:40 | Optimal cut-point estimation for functional digital biomarkers: Application to continuous glucose monitoring
Óscar Lado-Baleato - Health Research Institute of Santiago de Compostela (IDIS), Spain

16:20 | ROC curve analysis for functional biomarkers
Graciela Boente - Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

17:00–17:15 | Farewell

Organizing committee

Juan Carlos Pardo Fernández

Pablo Rodríguez Castro

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