Programme and Book of Abstracts in pdf [download here]
Thursday - January 23, 2025
9:15 - 9:30 | Welcome
09:30 – 11:30 | Session I: Inferential topics in ROC analysis
09:30 |
Comparing binary classification methods using covariate information
Arís Fanjul-Hevia - Universidad de Oviedo, Spain
10:10 |
Relationship between two-sample test statistics and ROC summary measures
María del Carmen Pardo - Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
10:50 |
Use of the R packages rocbc and trinROC for inference after the Box-Cox transformation in the ROC framework (and an outlook for future research)
Christos T. Nakas - University of Thessaly at Volos, Greece, and Inselspital Bern / University of Bern, Switzerland
11:30–12:00 | Coffee break
12:00–14:00 | Session II: Optimal tests and R packages
12:00 |
Construction and evaluation of optimal diagnostic tests
Ainesh Sewak - University of Zurich, Switzerland
12:40 |
The gROC curve and the optimal classification
Pablo Martínez-Camblor - Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, USA
13:20 |
R software for ROC analysis
Sonia Pérez-Fernández - Universidad de Oviedo, Spain
14:00–15:00 | Lunch
15:00–17:00 | Session III: Survival data and time-dependent ROC curves
15:00 |
The conditional C-index for survival data with a cure fraction
Juan Carlos Pardo-Fernández - Universidade de Vigo, Spain
15:40 |
Estimating and comparing time-dependent areas under receiver operating characteristic curves for censored event times with competing risks
Paul Blanche - University of Copenhagen, Denmark
16:20 |
A new AUC(t) estimator and its statistical properties for competing risks models
Leire Garmendia - Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, Spain
Friday - January 24, 2025
09:30–11:30 | Session IV: Length of the ROC curve and three-class problems
09:30 |
A parametric inference approach for the length of the ROC curve
Mónica López-Ratón - Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
10:10 |
A novel overlap-based framework for assessing classifiers of three diagnostic groups
Alba M. Franco-Pereira - Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
10:50 |
Biomarker cutoff estimation and inferences around the associated true and false class rates for the three-class problem. A misclassification cost-based framework
Leonidas Bantis - University of Kansas Medical Center, USA
11:30–12:00 | Coffee break
12:00–14:00 | Session V: Complex sampling schemes and missing data
12:00 |
Dealing with the estimation of the ROC curve and the area under the curve in the presence of complex sampling design data
Amaia Iparragirre - UPV/EHU University of the Basque Country, Spain
12:40 |
AUC optimism correction with missing data
Susana Martins - Universidade de Vigo, Spain
13:20 |
Prediction in the presence of missing values: no credible alternative to imputation- based use of the predictive density
Bart J. A. Mertens - Leiden University Medical Centre, The Netherlands
14:00–15:00 | Lunch
15:00–17:00 | Session VI: ROC curves with functional data
15:00 |
Addressing robust estimation in covariate-specific ROC curves with functional covariates
Ana M. Bianco - Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
15:40 |
Optimal cut-point estimation for functional digital biomarkers: Application to continuous glucose monitoring
Óscar Lado-Baleato - Health Research Institute of Santiago de Compostela (IDIS), Spain
16:20 |
ROC curve analysis for functional biomarkers
Graciela Boente - Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
17:00–17:15 | Farewell